Gisborne Secondary College is a school passionate about providing education ‘for all’. Our staff work collaboratively to deliver quality education in a supported learning environment committed to every child achieving their full potential. We are proud to be a school whose curriculum is expansive, catering to all student needs and pathways covering both academic and vocational options.
We are structured to maximise opportunities for success across our Junior and Senior Schools.
Junior School (Years 7-9) – In years 7 and 8 students will follow a structured timetable that affords them the opportunity to experience the wide variety of subject areas and practical offerings. This covers subject areas of:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities
- Health & PE, Sport
- Languages
- The Arts
- Technology
- Connect, Workskills
In year 9 students will follow a partly structured timetable including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Health & PE, but with the introduction of three elective subjects. Electives can be selected from the following areas:
- The Arts – Ceramics, Dance, Digital Arts, Drama, Media, Music, Visual Art, Visual Communication
- Technology – Auto Tech, Design Tech, Digital Tech, Electronics, Engineering, Food Tech, Metal Tech, Textiles, Wood Tech
- Language – Indonesian or Japanese
- Literature
- Renaissance History
- Science: Our Earth in the Universe
Additionally Year 9 students will participate in RAID Days throughout the year.
Senior School (Years 10-12)
In Year 10 our pathways offer flexibility and scope for acceleration and achievement. We aim to motivate and prepare students for the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major (VCE-VM), and the diverse range of pathways available to them after school. The curriculum at the Year 10 level is designed to allow students:
- Meet the requirements of the Victorian Curriculum
- Breadth and depth of study
- The opportunity to pursue your interests and develop your talents
- Flexibility in your choice of course
- To plan a course that allows you to prepare for the pathway of your choice.
Our Years 11 and 12 students are encouraged to consider the following factors in selecting their senior program:
- Your interests and motivation
- Known ability and performance in particular subject areas
- Select a program that is consistent with your future career, whilst keeping all your options open. Research any prerequisites that may be required for a particular course or career.
The Victorian Certificate of Education is a two-year certificate based around the successful completion of senior secondary school. The VCE provides pathways to further study at university, TAFE and further training and employment.
The Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major is a senior secondary certificate for students in Year 11 and 12 who have identified a vocational pathway beyond secondary school. The VCE-VM gives students practical, work-related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills, and the opportunity to build personal development skills that are important for both life and work. Entry to the VCE-VM program at Year 11 is via an application process of written application and interview. Students completing a VCE-VM certificate must also complete a VET course (see below) and structured workplace learning.
VET is a hands-on education that directly relates to employment. VET is not a senior secondary certificate, rather, students can study a VET unit as part of their VCE or VCE-VM program.
Whole-School scope & sequence
For all our learning areas in Years 7 to 10, we follow a whole-school scope & sequence. Detail of this for terms 1 to 4 is available upon request.