Government primary schools will be distributing the 2020 Parent / Carer Transition Information Pack to Year 6 families at the beginning of Term 2. This pack contains the Application for Year 7 Placement 2021 form.
Families complete the Application form, either electronically or in a printed hard copy, and return it via email /post to their child’s primary school by Friday 29 May 2020
Secondary schools will advise primary schools of any unsuccessful initial placement requests by Wednesday 15 July 2020
On Friday 7 August 2020, Gisborne Secondary College will notify primary schools of the names of all students who have been accepted into Year 7. Primary schools will then notify parents / carers of Year 6 students of placement offers.
Non-placement Appeals
Parents / carers may commence lodging non-placement appeals with secondary schools on Thursday 20 August 2020 using the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Placement Appeal form (provided by government primary schools). The appeals must be received by Gisborne Secondary College no later than Monday 31 August 2020.
Secondary schools will notify all parents / carers in writing of the outcome of non-placement appeals by Friday 11 September 2020.