Study Tours

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We have been fortunate at GSC to offer international study tours in 2015 and 2017.  The 2015 trip went to Greece and Italy, the 2017 trip was to Greece.  A trip was planned for 2020 but we all know how that turned out.

In 2015 and 2017 students were able to explore and experience at first hand some of the most important cultural and historical sites of the Ancient World as well as experience a different culture, climate and cuisine.  It was invaluable to students of History, Classical Studies, Art, Drama and English who gained significant insights into the foundations of Western Civilisation.

It is our intention to offer another Study Tour to Greece in 2022, pandemic permitting of course, that will include on its itinerary;  Athens (birthplace of Democracy and Theatre), Epidaurus and Mycenae, Olympia (home of the Olympic Games), Delphi (Oracle of Apollo) and Santorini as well as other marvelous places.

This Study Tour is a wonderful overview of some of the most important sites of this great civilization and it certainly broadens and enriches the perspective of all who have undertaken this experience. It’s also very well organized, the accommodation is comfortable and clean the food wonderful and Greece is one of the most welcoming and safe places on earth.

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